Compelled to Create ~ Embracing your Muse

Compelled to Create ~ Embracing your Muse

Inspriation is an intangible yet insparable part of the creative process. Nearly all creative possibilities are related to the muses that inspire us. The ancient Greeks believed that all creation, whether artistic or scientific in nature, were motivated by goddensses who served as the literal embodiment of inspiration. These were the Muses ~ the givers of the creative spark. We still rely on muses to drive the creative process, though ours may take a diverse range of forms. People we meet, intriguing ideas, movies, books, nature, and cultural ideals all have the potential to awaken our imaginative minds. When we are touched by our muses, we understand that we are capable of producing our own unique kind of greatness.

Many people move through life unaware of the presence of their muse. This lack of awareness can be compounded by the fact that we may have one muse that remains with us throughout our lives, multiple muses that inspire us concurrently, several muses that come and go as necessary, or a single muse that touches us briefly at specific moments. You will know that you have found your muse when you encounter a force that makes you feel courageous enough to broaden the range of your creativity. The presence of this force will erase your self-doubt and motivate you to give your thoughts and feelings form. Should your muse continue to elude you, however, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of falling under its inspired influence. If you surround yourself with people who support you, keep a pen and paper handy, immerse yourself in culture, and brainstorm frequently, you will soon reconnect with your muse.

Once you have identified your muse, embrace it by giving yourself over to the creative inspiration it provides. No matter what you are moved to create, you will find that neither fear nor criticism can penetrate the wonderful bliss that goes hand in hand with the act of taking an idea and turning it into something the whole world can enjoy.

(I ran across the above one day; author unknown; but I’ve enbraced it.) It spoke to my heart; the ink that flows through my vains spilling words on bare pieces of paper. Long ago I said, “it’s I that am pursuing writing!” It took almost a life time to realize that the box of what I’d called, “my closet writing” (for only my eyes only) had in actuality been my “Muse” if you will, “writing pursuing me! Oh, what joy to finally be free!

Most of the time when my pen reaches out for my hand, I’ve no idea what’s about to spill out. Other times, the whole creative process is alive in my brain, screaming at me; run get your pen and a pad; we’ve got work to do! It amazes me sometimes when this happens, my pen in hand just writes; “it” tells me when I’m finished. I stop, set it aside and later go back and read words; be they short stories, proses or poems and wonder where did “this” come from? I’m in love with the creative process; regardless of the form…………………………..Rachealgrace Adams

Friday, September 28, 2012


She’d rose at four a.m. hot in a thin cotton gown.
A fan above her bed cooled what seemed stale air.
Crumpled over the edge of her bed, a red kimono robe.
She lit the flame sending the scent of fresh coffee brewing through out her cottage.
 Cup filled to the brim, her dew covered garden calling.

T’was her custom meditating into the beginning of each day.
 Odd, this morning her music rang a sad reverie of life’s passing.
  Sipping French Vanilla sweetened coffee,
a smell of approaching rain filled the air.

 Those tiny Vinca red annuals she’d bought yesterday
needed planting, along with a red brick border,
the same brick border needed on a neighboring bush too. 

Dressing quickly, gathering necessary tools, vigorously she accomplished
her goals.

Finished, she quenched sweaty thirst with a mix of cranberry apple juice,
sometimes mixed with green teas.
Still the sad lament of this mornings songs carried her mind to distant times.

She never clearly understood how each plant stirred different memories?
What meaning had their separate blooming times?
The iris’s always first to bloom lined her cottage with a brilliant purple
and yellow glow.
Red daisies followed by wild flowers of pink.
 Thick small bushes filled with purple flowers.
A large desert sage (the center of this garden)
welcomed an early humming bird with red and white flowers profusely
springing along its branches.
 Between delicate frail pink colored lilies
 long thin stems swayed waiting for flat white garlic flowers blooms.
Last the trumpet vines requiring daily twisting through the lattices lining the length of a long concrete covered patio,
these her beloved Humming Birds favorite.

 Was this going to be the year she stained this concrete a soft Sedona red?  She knew colors permeated her entire life’s thread.  
Long ago she purposely laid no plans of any “Blue flowers” here.
 That she’d had enough of in life ~
Those blue times weren’t permitted here, haunting her enough in thoughts.

She’d learned with the first river-rock she’d laid,
 this small plot of land was not just the earth, “her mother” calling her.

There is a heaven on earth!
  From our mothers womb the verse of life begins.
  Like ants we cluster in cities made of sticks and stones, mortared bricks
forgetting to this earth we’ll return.

A single dragonfly soared back and forth like the swaying pendulum
 of an antique clock, another reminder of time spent.
Clicking Humming Birds wings told her days are numbered.
  Tend your garden better than you treated life
ensuring your essence returns in someone else’s garden teaching
them the revolving doors during life!

Rachealgrace Adams…………July 22nd, 2010……………..©……………………


  1. Lovely lyrical expression - thank you Rachealgrace!

    1. Thank you PJ for coming by. I hope to see you again as I build this site. As time permits all of my poetry will be added here.

  2. Dear Rachealgrace, you have a way with words, which kept me engrossed. Wow, and double wow, words that seemed to float around in my brain not wanting to put them to one side. You are indeed a writer, a gift given to you by God...I shall be following your work for it is truly inspirational xoxox

  3. Dear Racheal. I deep heartily feel this. I truly struck me into a new vibes of writing. I enjoyed your words. Thanks

